Sunday, March 17, 2013

Fibromyalgia Survival Tools: Laptops

As a freelance writer, I can spend hours upon hours at my computer writing and engaging in social media. My writing is currently my only source of income. It is my life and a part of who I am, too.

Nevertheless, as any of you with chronic pain can attest, the body often can’t keep up with everything else. In fact, as I was sitting at my desk writing tonight, I was overwhelmed by a sudden and painful muscle spasm in my lower back. And immediately, I had to get out of my chair and lie down.

This could have easily put a damper on my inspiration and might have brought my writing to an abrupt halt. As a fibro veteran, though, I just switched to lounge mode. I broke out my heating pad and laptop (both of which I keep readily available by my bedside), plopped (well, more like crawled) into bed, and continued from where I left off with my laptop.

Ultimately, laptops are one of the inventions I thank God regularly for. I really can’t imagine my life without my laptop. With the hand cramps I get now while writing and my inability to handle sitting in a chair for too long, I might have given up on my writing long ago. But my laptop gives me much more freedom and flexibility to deal with my unpredictable fibromyalgia.

At one time, I thought that fibromyalgia would be a death sentence--an end to my quality of life and the termination of my dreams. But I couldn’t have been more wrong.

Having fibrmyalgia can be difficult, but it doesn’t HAVE to stop your life. Never give up. Find ways around your medical condition. Never stop growing and evolving. Ultimately, if the desire is strong enough inside of you, you WILL find a way!


  1. Hi Amanda, doing a bit of getting to know fellow bloggers in time for he A-Z challenge and came across you. I also suffered so badly from FM a few years back, thankfully properly diagnosed and put on medication to ease the pain. Cortisone and painkillers ...
    I so hope yours is easing off .. and yes lap tops are great aren't they!
    All best,
    Susan (South Africa)

  2. I found your blog thru the a-z challenge lists. I decided to keep reading your because I have fibro too! Also, I like that you have "just a blog" and not ad space or a give-a-way and reviews type site! LOL
